By the aid of Erlang distribution table and exponential function table it is possible to make an approximate numerical calculation even by hand on the basis of the results in this paper. 若利用爱尔朗分布表与指数函数表,用本文的结果作近似数值计算,手算也是可行的。
The Study of the Traffic Capacity of the Circular Intersections Based on Erlang Distribution 基于Erlang分布的环形交叉路口通行能力的研究
By applying Laplace integral transformation to paper [ 2], the author proved the existence for statistical distribution of sum of order statistic which come from the Erlang distribution, but not gave its exact distribution nor the limit representation of distribution and its as applications. 文〔2〕应用Laplace积分变换,证明了来自ErLang分布的顺序统计量之和统计分布的存在性。
An Erlang distribution biparametric additive theorem under the condition is found when the multi-server vacation M/ M/ c queue with partial servers vacations is studied. It is also the case with Γ-distribution. 在研究只允许部分服务台进入休假状态的多服务台MMc排队系统时,发现了条件Erlang分布的双参数加法性质,进一步研究发现它对Γ分布也成立。
The Biparametric Additive Theorem of Conditional Erlang Distribution 条件Erlang分布的双参数加法定理
This paper considers the problem of finding the ruin probability of an insurance company in the risk model where the claim number process have Erlang ( 2) process and claim amounts have independent identically distribution. 本文考虑一类风险模型,其索赔时间间隔是Erlang(2)流,个体索赔量是独立同分布的随机变量,我们寻找最终破产概率问题。
This model includes an unknown Bandit reward process with unrestricted switching times, whose random sampling times have a negative exponential distribution and sampling values have an Erlang ( 2) distribution. 在这个模型中,未知Bandit过程是抽样时间间隔服从负指数分布,抽样值服从Erlang(2)分布,允许在任意时刻跳转的Bandit报酬过程。
Extension of Parametric Additive Theorem of Conditional Erlang Distribution 条件Erlang分布单参数加法定理的推广
In terms of daily arrival data, statistic and analyze ship flows laws. among which, daily arriving ship according with Normal Distribution, the average headway according with Erlang Distribution approximately. 根据到船资料,统计分析了船舶流到船规律,其中日到船近似服从正态分布,日到船平均船头间距近似服从爱而朗分布,为航道通过能力的计算提供理论基础。
By the property of conditional Erlang distribution, the distribution of stationary waiting time is gained; 根据条件Erlang分布的若干新性质,确定了稳态下等待时间的分布。
Study on Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Inherent Goiter ( IHG) in Erlang Mountian White Goats of Inner Mongolia ⅱ. Analyses on content, distribution and spectrum of thyroglobulin ( TG) and determination of TG content in serum 二狼山白山羊遗传性甲状腺肿发病机理及诊断研究&Ⅱ.甲状腺组织中TG分布、TG带谱分析及血清TG含量检测
In this paper, we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the probability of bankruptcy in a Sparre Andersen risk model in which claim inter-arrival times have an Erlang ( n) distribution when the adjustment coefficient of the individual claim size distribution does not exist. 考虑一个连续时间的风险模型,其中索赔时间间隔服从Erlang(n)分布,而且风险过程的调节系数不存在,本文给出了破产概率的渐近估计。
In Chapter 1, we consider a Sparre Andersen risk model in which the inter-claim times are the generalized Erlang ( n) distribution. 在第一章中,我们主要讨论了索赔时间间隔为广义Erlang(n)分布的SparreAndersen风险模型。
In this paper, a typical two-unit series repairable model of changeable repair facility is discussed. In the model, failure distribution of repair facility is assumed to be exponential distribution, failure distribution of one unit to be Erlang and other four distribution to be continuous. 假定修理设备的失效分布为指数分布,一个部件的失效分布为Erlang分布,另一个部件的失效分布、两部件的维修分布和修理设备的更换时间分布均为连续型分布。
By statistical analysis, their distribution charac-ters are deduced that the non-production waiting time follows the Erlang distribution, while the fuel price fol-lows Weibull distribution. 通过统计数据,指出它们的分布特点,并通过假设检验,得到非生产停泊时间符合爱尔朗分布,燃油价格符合威布尔分布的结论。
The formula of Erlang B is inferred to hold for any M/ G/ C/ C system with general service time distribution, but rigorous proof is absent. 理论上推测ErlangB公式对服务时间为任意分布的M/G/C/C系统的呼叫损失概率是有效的但缺乏严格证明。